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Showing posts from November, 2018

500L. A melancholic transition.

 January to november, spanned the most thrilling part of medical school i've ever come across. I suppose its become customary to write my story after each m.b.b.s exams, perhaps as a beacon to the young ones, or perhaps a flame killer to some. A melancholic beginning and a lacklustre ending, this level brought me to my knees , mentally, physically,  emotionally, spiritually. its the most challenging i've ever experienced in my life. And believe me, i've been through lots and came out the other side unscathed, but it wasnt so this time. I literally hit my own rockbottom . Then again its only when you've hit rockbottom, you can claw your way back up. Think of it as climbing uphill, or swimming against an ocean with strong currents trying to push you the other way. In the end i'm grateful, for whatever challenge survived allows you to develop the mental muscle to take on a lot more. With the experience of 500L, i was able to birth new principles, modify