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Showing posts from December, 2017

Why you should'nt fly window to ABUAD parties. The window series.

So as some of you already know. Man's a party freak. Ain't no party going on in main campus without king krane in it.

My PATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY Experience! A meme story!

Okay! Like every willing med.student i had a dream, and an aspiration to pass.

Too Afraid to live life, we never really explore! (The Culture Series)

  Once you see lots of people with morbid and mortal conditions day in day out, your outlook on life is bound to change. How, you ask?? Some become more spiritual, caging themselves in the reinforced comfortable steel bars of belief, faith, and religion, and more importantly, fear of the unknown and then some others go wild, realizing life is really short, and any one can just off anytime.  Everybody falls within the spectrum, fitting snuggly somewhere between the two extreme ends, shy and afraid to leave their comfort zone. But there is a third category of people, people who look at things objectively, and act as such. People who would not be confined by stereotyped ideals, beliefs, people who are willing to explore, to understand the unknown and not shy away from it. Magellan was definitely a part of this group. One who chose to challenge the ideals, to confirm the norms, and to discover new things. If he hadn’t sailed round the world, he most definitely wouldn’t be fu