A speech to rejuvenate? No…that doesn’t cut it. A comeback
maybe? No… too catchy, To set things straight with you? Yeah…I think I would go
with that. {Relax, I’m not ending our relationship just yet.} What is this blog
about? Why should you read it daily, why should you even attempt to make an attempted attempt to read it? If
I was you, I probably would not waste my data loading something that doesn’t
directly benefit me. A lot of students have bypassed this blog, as a means to
surviving in ABUAD. Why? It’s probably
because this site takes too long to load, or
more accurately most of us do not
know about it, or you just decided it was not worth your time! The main purpose
of this site is to update you on any and everything imaginable, all within the
Abuad jurisdiction. From trendy fashion news to daily sports update to prime-time gist and parties.
A friend of mine once told me our great Aare Afe Babalola had a toast with
queen Elizabeth herself (yes, I know how it sounds, so stop with that reaction
on your face), And then I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to just stumble across
such information whilst surfing the net?
Whilst of course Abuad is a small community and we cannot get enough to
keep you on the blog for one day, we have enough material to keep you at the
end of your system swooning for one week! Or at least that’s the new goal with
the new team put together. So with this, rejuvenate your faith in the Abuad blog!
And check it constantly. With this new plan, random Abuad students would make it
to the front page starting from this week. And whilst only designated students
can actually write on the blog, you can in your own way, write your own story
on the Abuad forum. It’s just like Nairaland, well, Afe’s own Nairaland. Any
student like you can write stuff in detail, expose someone that cheated on you maybe?
Stay with me,
Just before you scroll away, I want you to visualize two girls
fighting tooth to nail because of a boy, you know, tall, dark, obviously with
low cut kind of Guy loll. The typical Abuad boy. The first girl, let’s call her Funke went
straight to the Abuad forum, and guess what, she created a topic, posting the
image of a boy, and called him boo! Like WTF!
The whole ABUAD was checking the forum at that point in time! Now a friend of the second girl
went to the Abuad forum and saw it there. And when she told her friend about
what she saw, her friend went ballistic, blazing with anger. And the fight
ensued. The older girl ran and took pliers from the maintenance office, and pushed the
younger girl down, with girls screaming in the background! As she was about to savage up….. CHILL!
Of course this story is fabricated, but you understand vividly, what this forum
has the potential of doing! And join the fun. Remember, tell everyone about the
blog and the forum, and even though there is no freedom in our visual campus,
we can have unlimited freedom in our VIRTUAL CAMPUS! because that’s where you are your
own chief security officer.
Send suggestions to 08132629469 ,we are leaving no stone unturned this semester!
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