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Babcock University Students Protest Increase Of Fees Via Social Media

Babcock University students have taken to social media, blogs and forums to protest against the unfair increase in fees.
You will recall that Babcock university is a private christain institution and does not tolerate any form of physical protest as it considers this a grievous offence which calls for suspension and expulsion. Therefore, students of the school, having little option, have resorted in the use of social media as they express their unhappiness with the recent event. This is not the first time of which attempts have been made to increase the fees.

This is coming in with the change in the position of the vice chancellor.
This is not right as it seem this Christian private institution have taken advantage of the state of education in the nation to make things really difficult for the average school leavers to gain admission. Many parents pay through their nose to ensure their children are given education.

As it seems, the media is their last resort as the student association(comprising of students too) have boundaries of which if crossed, they themselves could all be expelled
 see details after the cut


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